Want to know more about your home internet connection? There’s an app for that…

Here at Lucidity, we’ve been delivering Remote Desktop Solutions for coming up on 20 years. Remote Desktop Solutions (and Cloud Telephone and Conferencing solutions) are what we call time-critical services.They are ‘real-time’ and require a solid, reliable, consistent internet connection to perform at their best. Poor internet, bad Wi-Fi connections and not enough internet bandwidth…

Understanding Business Wi-Fi

Over the past few years, Wi-Fi technology has improved greatly, however it isn’t a case of one-size fits all. The requirements for a business in a large office space with continual traffic utilisation from many devices is very different to the Wi-Fi needed at home for casual internet access. What is an Access Point? An…

Aging IT Hardware – when it’s time for an upgrade

Here at Lucidity we endeavour to provide our customers with the best service possible. If our customers start having issues with their Lucidity services we carry out several checks to help identify the root cause. The first series of checks is looking at the infrastructure which these services run on. Once these checks have been…

How fast is my internet?

A brief history recap Over the past 10 years there have been a lot of changes in the delivery of broadband internet within New Zealand. Just 10 years ago the vast majority of homes were still on dial up internet with broadband being delivered using ADSL v1 (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) technology. Next came ADSLv2…