Lucidity 365 – October Update

Our Lucidity 365 platform has some awesome new features which we released this week in our October update.  We are excited to share these updates with you and work with our customers to develop their workspaces to drive collaboration and productivity.   You can display YouTube videos in your workspace to share company news, provide helpful training, share success stories and more. The new YouTube tile allows you to easily embed YouTube videos on…

Fine Tuning Microsoft Intune

As Bob Dylan once famously said “The times they are a changing (in the way we consume IT)” or something along those lines anyway… The ‘Modern Workplace’ is here, and remote/flexible working has become even more of a priority with recent global events. The IT Model of the Modern Workplace In 2020, the way people…

The New Normal – Working From Home

This time last week, COVID-19 was rampant elsewhere in the world, but New Zealand still had under 10 known cases. We are now closer to 40 cases and businesses, including ours, are implementing their Business Continuity Plans and working out how to continue business as usual in these unprecedented times. As of right now, Lucidity…

Cloud Services essential in times of crisis

  According to an online Stuff Business article, BusinessNZ has told employers how to prepare for an outbreak of coronavirus. Want VS Need It’s in times like these, that the need for remote working and business continuity planning becomes highlighted as a need rather than a ‘nice to have’.  It’s all well and good being told…