Fine Tuning Microsoft Intune

As Bob Dylan once famously said “The times they are a changing (in the way we consume IT)” or something along those lines anyway… The ‘Modern Workplace’ is here, and remote/flexible working has become even more of a priority with recent global events. The IT Model of the Modern Workplace In 2020, the way people…

How to protect your Mailbox in 2020

Protecting the legitimacy of your mailbox is essential in 2020 and email protection is now an integral part of the Managed Service Providers toolkit. When we talk about email protection, this comes in 2 flavours: Protection of the email coming in against mail born threats like spam, viruses, malware & phishing etc Protecting your domains…

Cloud Cover – Under The Hood

This blog is a follow-on of sorts from the current information available about our product called ‘Cloud Cover’, before reading the below I would suggest visiting the following link to give you a bit more context: Cyber Security As part of our Cloud Cover product, Lucidity uses a couple of tools to ensure that machines…

Lucidity 365 – May 2019 Update

The May 2019 updates for Lucidity 365 will simplify the permission management, allowing admins the option to restrict users from customising in their workspace. Furthermore, there are new features which will make it easier to collaborate with your colleagues or others. New: Restrict users from editing the workspace It’s great when people can edit and…

Aging IT Hardware – when it’s time for an upgrade

Here at Lucidity we endeavour to provide our customers with the best service possible. If our customers start having issues with their Lucidity services we carry out several checks to help identify the root cause. The first series of checks is looking at the infrastructure which these services run on. Once these checks have been…

Is the mail really malicious?

Following on from yesterdays blog, How to identify malicious emails, today we will look at whether the email is actually malicious and some techniques scammers use to make it seem legitimate. Is the mail really malicious? Please note that you need to weigh all the red flags in yesterday’s blog if you want to rule…