remote work

Are we ready for an extended lockdown?

Whilst our team at Lucidity continue to work as an essential service, I was wondering how many other businesses where still working flat tack or sitting waiting and hoping for a reduction in Covid restriction levels. I recently broke my glasses and had been to the optometrist days before the level 4 lockdown had been…

Fine Tuning Microsoft Intune

As Bob Dylan once famously said “The times they are a changing (in the way we consume IT)” or something along those lines anyway… The ‘Modern Workplace’ is here, and remote/flexible working has become even more of a priority with recent global events. The IT Model of the Modern Workplace In 2020, the way people…

Power BI – Driving Data Led Decision Making

Businesses that understand the importance of data and base business decisions on that data have a significant advantage over their competitors. One of the primary challenges to getting to this state is how you get this data and make it accessible to decision makers. Microsoft Power BI is a data visualizer. You provide it with…

Cloud Services essential in times of crisis

  According to an online Stuff Business article, BusinessNZ has told employers how to prepare for an outbreak of coronavirus. Want VS Need It’s in times like these, that the need for remote working and business continuity planning becomes highlighted as a need rather than a ‘nice to have’.  It’s all well and good being told…

Lucidity 365 new feature updates

On the 5th of February, Lucidity rolled out the next incremental update to the Lucidity 365 product. This was a major update with a number of new features being rolled out. New features include: Shared Spaces It is now possible for admins to create Shared Spaces in Lucidity 365. Shared Spaces act as separate dashboards…

Microsoft Inspire - Roadmap 2020

Microsoft Inspire Summary 2019

A couple of weeks ago­­ Lucidity’s CEO, Paul O’Brien and I commenced our 15-hour journey to the Nevada Desert for Microsoft Inspire which was hosted in Las Vegas.  Both being first time attendees, Paul and I weren’t exactly sure what to expect, and I think I speak for both of us when I say that the…